Personal Effectiveness and Workplace Management




Course Description

The course aims to address the mastery of the mind and emotions that will enable participants to effectively cope with the changing working environment.

Enabling Objectives:

Given a scenario, participants will be able to demonstrate positive working relationship with others using the key elements of emotional quotient. At the end of the program, participants will be able to:

  1. Explain emotional quotient and its key components.
  2. Relate the importance of EQ skills to personal effectiveness in the workplace.
  3. Describe the emotional and social challenges of their working environment.
  4. Identify personal cornerstone habits that optimizes their strengths.
  5. Demonstrate the ability to practice emotional intelligence in dealing with work and the people around them.
  6. Recognize the importance of building a team that is reliable, trustworthy, and concerned for the value they bring to each other.

Course Outline

Topic Activity Timeline
Course Overview Introductions

Discussion of Pre-Work Insights

1:00 – 1:15
DAY 1 (4 Hours)
  1. The “New” Working Environment

Learning Objective:  In this module, the participants will explore the challenges of their present work environment, specifically emotionally and socially.

Profiling the New Workplace Lecture


1:15 – 1:30
Challenges of the New Workplace Lecture

Activity:  Breakout session

Participants will be given guide questions to discuss in the breakout room.  They will report their discussion in the plenary afterwards.

1:30 -2:10
BREAK 2:10 – 2:30
  1. Personal Effectiveness Essentials

Learning Objective:  In this module, the participants will learn the importance of cornerstone habits in making sure they perform at their optimal best.

Habits and Self-Mastery

3 Elements of Habits

Creating Habits



Activity:  Personal Reflection Exercise.

2:30 – 3:00
Time Management Principles:

Creating Boundaries

Sticking to Priorities

Devoting time for renewal


Activity:  Personal Reflection exercise followed by Dyad sharing activity

3:00 – 3:30
  1.  Emotional Intelligence Basics

Learning Objective:  In this module, participants will be able to define emotional intelligence and its role in creating efficiency conducive working environments.

Emotional Intelligence – Definition Springboard activity:  POLL


3:30 – 4:00
Components of Emotional Intelligence Lecture


Breakout Activity:  Participants will be given scenarios to which they will apply a solution using items learned in the lecture.

Presentation in form of a role play that will be presented on day 2.

4:00 – 4:40
Closing Closing Reflection activity for learning from DAY 1 will be shared via google forms and will be answered during the session. 4:40 – 5:00
Day 2 (4 HOURS)
Overview of Day 2

Role Play Presentations

Discussion of Reflection activity from Day 1

Overview of topics for day 2


1:00 – 1:40
D.      Skills Necessary in Emotional Intelligence

Learning Objective:  In this module, participants will be able to deep dive into practical skills that will help them practice emotional intelligence.

Defining Emotions in self and others Lecture

Activity:  Dyad

Guide questions will be given each pair in the breakout room.  An online form will be given for them to answer.

Answers will be discussed in the plenary.

1:40 – 2:20
Active Listening Essentials Lecture

Interactive Lecture

2:20 – 2:40
Expressing Emotions Verbally Lecture

Activity:  Dyad

Each pair will be given an online worksheet to answer.  Answers will be discussed in the plenary.

3:00– 3:30
E.      Managing Conflict Through Empathy

Learning Objective:  In this module, participants will identify ways to incorporate principle of personal effectiveness and emotional intelligence in creating a harmonious working environment.

Empathy in the Workplace Lecture

Case Study in Workgroups. Participants will be given cases and guide questions to answer.

Answers will be discussed in the plenary.

3:30 – 4:00
Creating Supportive Working Environments Lecture

Action Planning

4:00 – 4:30
Closing/ Synthesis Closing Reflection activity for learning from DAY 2 will be shared via google forms and will be answered during the session. 4:30 – 5:00



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