Essentials of Supervision and Leadership Program




Leading others is a responsibility more than it is a privilege. It is important to set straight your intention and your aspirations when taking on a position of leadership because in the end, it is a position of influence and stewardship at the same time. Being able to take on the challenge and develop people under you is imperative if you are to thrive as a leader.

In this training, we will explore how one can transition to a leadership role, representing the values of the company while at the same time supporting the individual and team goals of his/ her department.

This 2-day workshop will employ interactive activities, reflection and group work. Participants will leave the workshop embracing their new role as leaders with the aim of thriving together with their team.

At the end of the workshop, participants would be able to:

  1. Evaluate personal and professional goals and align them to what leaders should represent.
  2. Discuss self-management techniques that will increase influence and effectivity.
  3. Identify skills needed in each function of management.
  4. Learn team dynamics and factors that increases teamwork in groups.
  5. Use people management principles to deal with challenging personnel.
  6. Bring your team to new heights of productivity and group morale.

Course Outline
Module 1: Introduction to Leadership
Learning Objective: Participants will have a general picture of their role as Supervisors/ Managers in reference to the organization and their team.

  • The Leader
    • Defining your unique purpose in the Organization
    • Labeling Challenges of a Supervisor
    • Accountability and Finding Solutions
  • Preparing the Leader Within
    • Developing Cornerstone Habits
    • Temperaments
    • Personal Mission-Vision
  • Fundamental Elements of Supervision
    • Influence
    • Relationship
    • Critical Thinking
    • Can Do Attitude

Module 2: Functions of Management : Planning and Organizing
Learning Objective: Identify the different Functions of Management and the skills that each function will require. Develop an appreciation of the inter-relatedness of each function.

  • Planning
    • Importance of Planning Function of Management
    • Steps in the Planning Function
    • Evaluating your Plan
  • Organizing
    • Importance of Organizing Function of Management
    • Steps in Organizing Function
    • Delegation
    • Establishing a Reporting Relationship
    • Communication guidelines in meetings

Module 3: Functions of Management: Leading and Control
Learning Objective: Identify the different Functions of Management and the skills that each function will require. Develop an appreciation of the inter-relatedness of each function.

  • Leading
    • Steps in Leading
      • Energy
      • Engagement
      • Empowerment
    • Skills Needed in Leading
      • Communicating Goals
      • Resolving Conflicts
      • Motivating your Team
  • Control
    • Importance and Steps in Control Function
      • Establishing Standards
      • Measuring Performance
      • Compare Performance to Standards
      • Taking Corrective Actions
    • Skills Needed in Control
      • Facilitating Behavior Change
      • Giving and Receiving Feedback

Module 4: Forming Productive Teams
Learning Objective: Demonstrate effective communication strategies and recognize why it is important in keeping every member of the group engaged and productive.

  • Communication Strategies
    • Assertive Communication
    • Empathic Communication
  • Cohesive Teams
    • Characteristics of Cohesive Teams
    • Keeping Your Team Engaged and Productive

This program consists of lectures, reflection, role playing, group discussions and action planning. These activities will maximize concept recognition and facilitate integration of learning.

  • Offline pre-work
  • Online interactive discussion, video presentation, individual activities
  • Breakout group activities and presentation



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